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 This Is A LIE
Patrick58 349 posts, incept 2019-08-08
2024-04-25 09:08:25

After the recent propaganda war over the Fauci Ouchi, I treat all information from every agency that has a connection the government with contempt. I look forward to the day that these charlatans and grifters get **** canned. In fact, I'm betting a large percentage of research is ****. I have this MSN website pop up on my laptop on startup, and most articles about health, diet, the economy, are filled with lies. I get to the point that my "bull**** tank" overflows, and I have to go do a project. I knew they lied, but I didn't realize that it was so pervasive. I made a living doing engineering, where "lying will get you killed", the physical world will always punish liars. I can't even watch that "clown show" when the White House press secretary speaks, makes my skin crawl.

I suspect that even when the Soviet Union collapsed, folks in that government had to say, "Reality is a bitch, ain't it?"

Reminds me of a funny saying I heard about commerce in the Soviet Union. It goes something like this; A man walks into a shop. He asks the clerk, You dont have any meat? The clerk says, No, here we dont have any fish. The shop that doesnt have any meat is across the street.

Another favorite was; Sentence from a schoolboys weekly composition class essay: My cat just had seven kittens. They are all communists. Sentence from the same boys composition the following week: My cats seven kittens are all capitalists. The teacher reminds the boy that the previous week he had said the kittens were communists. But now theyve opened their eyes, replies the child.

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