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 What's This? VINDICATION!
Kirklandguy 74 posts, incept 2022-02-14
2023-10-11 09:51:42

The last 3+ years have been incredibly eye-opening to me from a health and nutrition standpoint. I started going down the "What do the studies actually say" rabbithole a year or two back specifically on longevity and nutrition after I realized just how much "The Science (tm)" was outright lying about what studies actually said re: virus, masks, "injections" et al.

I started in earnest this Feb really re-doing my own health/nutrition/fitness lifestyle and am down from 6'4 290 lbs to 255 since then, with more to go. Most of that is bodyfat, and I am probably the strongest I have been in years (turned 40 in the spring).

Most of what I did is straight out of Karl's playbook. I did not go full low-carb, but I make hitting protein targets daily the #1 priority, which for me anyway has vastly helped with feeling sated despite a calorie deficit target of 700-1000 calories a day. As a byproduct it makes my diet fairly lower in carbs just by necessity to hit those numbers, but certainly not really "low carb".

Protein + creatine supplementation has also really helped with muscle growth while sticking to a progressive strength training schedule. As an aside, creatine has actually been quite heavily studied and I cannot believe it is not recommended by more PCP's to people with healthy kidneys. It's cheap and quick to figure out if it'll help you or not, so doesn't help the $$ racket I suppose...

I also started doing consistent 4 mph walking with our dog, and as a family we hiked close to 40 miles this summer at Mammoth Cave, Red River Gorge, and other places in KY on our vacation.

What really has been eye-opening from a nutrition standpoint is how truly weak the evidence is for 90% of the "recommendations" out there. I have no doubt that my diet breaks a ton of "experts say" logic due to the amount of dietary fat, dietary sodium, etc. I haven't felt this good physically and mentally in a long long time though.
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