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 Stick To Your Beliefs
Doladin 287 posts, incept 2022-01-15
2023-05-24 11:25:52

"We claim we're all so much better. We're not."

Bingo. This sums up most of the Western liberal mindset - they think that they have transcended the human condition and have done what no other society in history has accomplished. All problems are now solved, so long as we pay enough tax and give the government enough power.

They also project all of their own values/culture onto EVERY single other human on the planet (while simultaneously rejecting the Christian/renaissance values upon which they were built) and have a strange racism wherein "all downtrodden races can be like us, if they just let us help them act like us"

I suspect deep down they know of the trauma or guilt, and just push it down like a coward and wear a mask of altruism to hide from the evil realities of this world. They have constructed a happy little world in their mind, but they do not want to peek behind the curtain and accept they are living in a false construct.

The more that I read history, including the Bible, the more I realise that humans have not changed, our psychology has not changed, and realistically, it will not change. Evil has always been here, violence is the supreme law, and the top 1% try to oppress the bottom 99%. Life's unfair, get over it.

The only thing that upsets me, is that I am surrounded by smart people with a high standard of living and access to all of the worlds recorded knowledge... yet I am hitting brick walls when explaining that Governments constantly turn against their people, rights are hard-fought and require ongoing maintenance, this period in time of peace and prosperity is a historic anomaly and we can return to the mean VERY quickly. life is unfair, all you should do is be close to your people and perpetuate your way of life.
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