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 Stick To Your Beliefs
Eleua 23k posts, incept 2007-07-05
2023-05-26 07:33:17


We will lose unless one of two things happen. The communists can start treating everyone equally and fairly, OR our side can start supporting our own tribes. The latter is real easy. Stop supporting the enemy with your time and money. Spend those resources on those intellectually and morally aligned with us. Of course, you will get called all manner of names for this, but don't forget that is just another attempt at guilt-tripping you into compromising yourself.

I think this is the "civilized" approach and rests upon the premise there is a peaceful way out of this mess.

I hope you are right and I really do want someone to convince me I am wrong. Seriously, I do. I do not want to be correct in my assessment.

The "other tribe" are, as you correctly identified, "communists." As anyone familiar with my postings of the past two years would probably guess, I think "communist" is largely comprised of a particular ethnic group that, without fail, brings its host culture to this inflection point.

The "communists" are not capable of your first course of action. The entire point is for them to be in power, and use that power to destroy their host, which are the ethnic European Whites. The whole egalitarian ruse was to get them from the status of distasteful minority to a position where they dictate the terms of the culture. That is where we are now, and have been for about 40 years.

We only recently found out the power of economic boycotts with the "go woke, go broke" concept, highlighted buy the fact the most popular (by sales volume) beer brewer in the US can't give their swill away. Seriously...they can't give it away.

Great. Economic boycotts are now in the order of battle for us. The communists have been using them for 60 years, so that puts us back in the 1960s. We have some catching up to do.

We still shrink when we are called names. We are still ceding ground to the "communists" when they make shit up and call us we can gain their favor by changing our actions.

Given that we, only recently, discovered we are in a war, and we are by the best measure 60 years behind, we need to come to the realization that the war is actually over. It may not be, but it likely is.

The only way we survive, much less "win," is through making all these "communists" good communists. We can't live peacefully with them, no matter how hard we try...and we have tried, and tried, and tried. We wanted to live in peace, but they would not allow it. This did not have to be this way.

The scorpion stings because that is what it does. Even if the scorpion knows both he and the frog will drown if he stings, he will do it anyway, because that is what he does. He cannot help himself.

As Scott Adams correctly stated, "This cannot be fixed."

Diversity + proximity = WAR

-The facts do not care about your narrative. The "GREAT NOTICING" continues apace.
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