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 Stick To Your Beliefs
Raven 18k posts, incept 2017-06-27
2023-05-21 23:37:53

Thanks Boredfree, wanted to post something respectful of the deep meaning and serious tone of what would become a pinned article.

Something else comes to mind which is the enemy's method of neutralizing debate and getting everyone in on it before they realize they have been played.

The "Psychology Today" article reminds me of a conversation here with @Shadowmask regarding a different topic but similar method. If one disagrees with or acts differently of the customary meme, one is assigned a mental defect or psychological problem or the insidious "need for counseling". This has been happening for a long time. I remember it from the 80s. There is also an escalating risk.

One merely needs to review the history of certain communist movements to see that Psychiatry was bastardized to discredit opponents and differing opinions and oppress those who held said.

Part of my academic work was serious involvement in Psychology. I saw two things emerge. The discipline became one of the largest majors as it diluted itself and them became very much feminized. The latter only enhanced by the shifted balance towards females in academia. This change was concurrent with its embrace of the accepted political scene and possibly due in large part by the two other changes. My response was simple.

I returned my various honors, honoraria and divested of my associations regarding said with clear intention and reasons made known. The perception of my decisions and actions were unintelligible at best, insulting at worst which reveal the true scope of the underlying problem. They are full of themselves and run it as a business, a woke one at that. It felt right and proper to do.

Regarding people not liking Karl's manner, tone, style or presentation as he discusses in the article. Firstly, his presentations and conversations here are always mannerly and the writing mature, clear and intellectual, so i find such criticism suspect, however as one who has experienced the same labeling and sanction at times, offer the following response:

Genius does that.

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