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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Thegreatunwashed 290 posts, incept 2021-09-13
2023-01-14 16:17:07

Those who "faked a card" may justify it that way but they contributed to the tyranny directly and did so through false pretense.

I never fell under a vax mandate, so I could be sanctimonious condemn people for not martyring themselves, but the idea is so repugnant to me it almost makes me ill. I would also be a hypocrite, as I regularly violate the speed limit driving home, but never once have called the local police to turn myself in a demand a ticket. I also imagine this forum is FULL of people who sourced themselves some ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine without a doctor's prescription, even though many people likely died in the hospital due to being denied ivermectin. The person who sourced ivermectin while someone else died in the hospital without it f***ed no one. The person who fooled the tyranny f***ed no one either.

Stick a gun in my face and tell me hand over my money, I will not tell you about the $100 bill hid in my boot and still sleep like a baby that evening. Break into my house and demand I tell you where my valuables are hidden, I will commit the lie of omission and not let you know about the cash in the zip-lock in my freezer or the silver coins buried behind the shed. When the SS officer knocks on my door and asks if the Goldsteins are hiding in my basement, I am going to tell him no, even though the answer is yes, and I will feel no need to unburden myself to the local priest.
I could go on and on with a thousand examples. The idea, for an example, of say a 45 or 50 man with a large family and big mortgage and a good career in a limited industry whose employer was imposed a mandate based on government rules, yet they were clearly unvigilant in inspecting and validating the vax cards, the idea they they should martyr themselves, to me is a moral argument as weak as the argument that 20 years should be mandated to get the vax to save grandma, even though the virus was not a threat to them.
People's lives belong to themselves and the idea that government force has any moral validity is childish.

I will have NO survivor's guilt, except a bit of shame for all my Schadenfreude.
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