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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Forever_young 702 posts, incept 2022-11-22
2023-01-14 15:46:41

You know, it really isn't said enough.
Thank you. Thank you for this site, thank you for the information you freely share, thank you for this community, thank you to this community.

I recall when this covid BS started, I remember when I was sent home from work to telework for a couple weeks "just as a precaution," about the time two weeks turned to four my alarm bells started going off.

Wait a minute, I thought to myself, isn't the best way to end this to let it burn itself out? If we let it linger, it will keep coming back and with more mutations. This was around the time I started digging around for information which eventually led me here.
When the clot shots came out I already didn't trust it, I like to think I have some common sense, so I did some research. Didn't take long to make the decision that shit would not go inside me. Thought that would be it but no, the mandates came along. I prepared myself and my wife for some huge changes. Some belt tightening, and some loss of comfort. But it was this site, Mr. Denninger, that helped me fill in the missing pieces I needed to stick to my convictions and tell them to fuck off. We are not alone, we are the informed, and we will be heard.

I could see through their propaganda, their attempts to isolate us. Some good people left my place of employment because of this bullshit and plenty of others have gone toward providing the bare minimum. Good. I'm not one to stick my head up at work because, quite frankly, it's not my place to preach. But hearing the others who took the jab and are now getting nervous is satisfying. It takes a lot for me to not smack them in the head and ask what were they thinking. But at the end of the day, I found this place, they could have found this place, there is no excuse.

So again, and probably not for the last time, thank you.
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