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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Joancrawford 1k posts, incept 2013-10-14
2023-01-14 11:49:31

Drifter-The unvaccinated were subject to 'Jim Crow' laws and martinets everywhere enjoyed enforcing them. May they thud.

One very small bone to pick with you, my friend. At least in the South, blacks had a separate (and yeah, maybe equal, maybe not) place where they could:

a) shop
b) hang out with each other (bars, restaurants, theaters, etc.)
c) schools
d) houses of worship
e) Need I go on?

We were afforded NONE of that, and by golly did I want that more than anything. I couldn't stand these *******s staring me down for not wearing a mask, openly challenging me in stores for such, barring me from entry into establishments.

Jeezus ****ing Tap Dancing Keeryst, I was summoned for jury duty and had to wear the face muzzle! I hate(d) these bastards with a flaming hot passion. I weep not for their demise. In fact, I hope it's painful as hell and they stare into the eyes of Satan himself before they pass, answering for all the hell they put me through.

Now, that being said, I will feel a bit of melancholy when my vaxxed brother passes. As he is six years older, of course he "knows best", and any advise, information, I offer is quickly disregarded. During our conversation this morning, I could scarcely handle his sarcasm and defensiveness. I didn't even discuss the vax. I merely jokingly suggested he cut down on the sauce.

He turned that right around and gave me a "Well what about YOU?"

I kept my mouth shut, as I enjoy a cocktail or three as well as the next guy or girl. What I wanted to say was, "Well, I'm not the one crashing into a bed frame at 3 AM, am I?"

I did mention that I'm currently on a dry January, with no significant change in my health or over all mental acuity. My sincere hope is that I will drop some pounds by abstaining over the next month or so.

Our younger sister and I are the only ones that aren't vaxxed. She, of course, is a smoker-a different discussion all together.

We're all gonna die. I think the main focus should be to live life to the fullest and do what you can to mitigate factors that are antithetical to healthful living-which includes giving up excessive boozing, being a fat ****, and generally swallowing everything the corporate mass media tells you is good for you.

BTW, my brother's wife is also type 2 diabetic and drinks like a fish. I hope to have my black suit taken in a bit in the waist when she meets her ultimate death. Frankly, I won't miss her, as I wouldn't******on her if she were on fire.

Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.-Dorothy Parker

Boys don't make passes at girls with fat asses.-slightly modified DP
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