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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Lt.slothrop 142 posts, incept 2023-05-01
2023-05-02 08:04:51

Interesting conversation at... you know, the meal ticket place. A dude I like, were both up there in the food chain, good guy, an ally, smart, great sense of humour, a fellow alpha, but...

Him: jabbed

Me: not

Now, something I've noticed as I cautiously navigate my Pure Blood self through career and Circle in this kind of 'in between time', as in, I think a lot of them know they fk'd up now, but they don't want to admit it, even to themselves. So there's this wobbly clinging to the narrative-thing, like a drunk Titanic passenger in the ocean clinging to a life ring. They can feel the icy cold water doing it's slow hypothermic crawl up their extremities, there's a voice in their head they keep trying to bat down, repeating "YOU'RE FK'D", yet they allow themselves to imagine that some light on the horizon is imminent rescue, and chosing to jump off the stricken vessel into the cold water 45 minutes before me who waited for a lifeboat, was still a good idea. So, while I'm a little bit secretly-smug about my spike protien-free platelets (partly thanks to this Coof Wars Ticker of Pure Blood optimism), I'm still VERY careful about what I say and how I act, because I make good coin there, I'm surrounded by Jabbies, and it's no secret I opted out, my Rosary evidence I had religious justification (versus too much Infowars)... and the 2nd wave of ostracization, I'm feeling it. It's subtle, it's silent, is it envy? It's a different kind of ostracization now though, 'cuz I'm no longer the tinfoil hat nutter preaching "anti-vaxxer" madness, now I'm one of the Chosen Few, I had balls where they didn't, and deep down, they fk'n know it.

ANYWAY, jabbed buddy and I start getting into the rabbit hole, politely. This is a guy used to winning arguments with 'facts' he has a talent for rhetoric, and we're politically aligned domestically so it's an amicable conversation. I ask him what he thinks is "happening", and he's like "something's going down. Food and fuel shortages imminent. Maybe war. Time to start prepping", and I'm like "dude, I was still buying avocados and mangos in January, the food shortage thing is fear porn BS." and somehow he ends up saying...

"You know, the Elites, they know something is up. Climate catastrophe. We're screwed. There's too many of us. They either cull the population or were fucked as a species. Fresh water running out" yadda yadda

And I said: "But the mRNA vaccines, you believe that it was a good idea?"

Him: "oh yeah, I mean, look at how many people it prevented from hospitalizations, the medical system would have been overrun."

[me fighting to control the howling laughter inside my head] I calmly replied: "Ok, so if you trust that the Elites know we're basically doomed and are making a wise choice to cull our numbers to save us," (I know right? LMAO)... "then why would they mandate forcing vaccines to save everyone, instead of letting SARS-COV-2 run it's natural course, taking the old and comorbid, because as you said, there's too many of us, they know it, and they have to do something about it. So why go to all that trouble to save old folks and junkies with COPD with these 'vaccines'?"

Silence. He just looked at me, processing what I said. I could even see in his eyes where I was dragging him towards the logical conclusion without saying it directly: if everything he believes is true, maybe the Jabs ARE the culling, and he's caught up in it now, because even he admits the "pandemic fear seemed exaggerated"... and then he said to me something I've only heard from one other COVIDian/ Jabbie since this Shamdemic bullsh!t started:

"You know, you may just have a point there,"

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