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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Lt.slothrop 142 posts, incept 2023-05-01
2023-05-01 21:01:01


Thank you for the comments. I'm a big fan of your writing.

I also have some corporate experience with the beast you referenced, and couldn't agree more that it exists, and possesses that level of murderous callousness. We've seen this as well with large industrial polluters and birth defects, the coverups, really sick sh!t, and it's always about the money. The Jabs crime due to greed is the easiest scenario to digest, so I hope you're right.

Problems I see with the 'Vax Crime as Only Greed' hypothesis:

1) The global coordination: when have we ever, in the history of modern nations, seen the entire First World do the exact same, massively insane thing in lockstep? These countries never agree on anything. Even WW2 didn't manifest this level of absolute consensus. The moronic mask mandates, the banning of the unvaccinated from bars, restaurants, transportation, in some cases THEIR JOBS, then the full spectrum mainstream media painting the unvaxxed as public enemies... in almost every country the same, absurd, unprecedented rights-infringing lunatic M.O. "Get vaccinated or else!" I'm struggling with BigPharma having that much stroke internationally. Only the US gub'ment has that much leverage in places like Europe, and again, all that for just money? How much money?

2) Not enough scratch: let's assume this whole Shamdemic/Jab show was a Made in the USA plot for profit: the Iraq 2.0 scam was a 5 trillion dollar vacuum on the Treasury. What are the gross expenditures to date for the COVID Jabs... not even half a trillion globally, and nobody is taking that sh!t anymore. It's over. My point is, there's much more profitable ways (with way longer shelf life) to rob the people without trashing civil liberties at home, poisoning your citizens on a national scale, giving them turbo cancers, giving their kids strokes, risk getting pummelled at the polls for the next 4 election cycles over it, AND risking mass-domestic revolt.

3) Political risk: politicians are mostly crooks and liars, and corruption is rampant in their ranks. Duh. However, this COVID jabs thing reeked to high heaven right out of the gate. A cursory search online for the Infection Fatality Ratios for COVID-19 by age group made it stupidly obvious that the untested Jabs didn't even come close to passing a risk-benefit smell test, and that was before we knew they were not only useless, but had negative-efficacy. The CDC numbers I screenshot'd off their website late summer of 2020, the WHO IFR numbers were readily available and yeah... you had better odds of getting killed walking your doggie than dying from COVID. Without the stupid Facemasks and media fear porn, there WAS no pandemic. Even the most moronic greedy politician could figure that out with the IFR data available prior to the untested Jabs rollout. Too risky. Buy them, make it optional, let them rot in refrigerated warehouses, and take the kickbacks without potentially going to jail or the gallows, for coercing your country into democide.

... which is why I think the Jabs agenda rabbit hole goes deeper, darker than just 'money', but not depop. I could be wrong.

My 2 cents. Cheers
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