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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Johndoe 16 posts, incept 2022-12-08
2023-01-15 12:28:40

I wish I could be as positive as this Ticker but I am not, for several reasons.


2) Nationwide. The amount of unrest this realization will cause is going to be immense and we are likely to lose critical workers in multiple critical industries that we can't afford to lose. Older experienced workers tend to know how things work better than the younger ones, and those elders are the ones most likely to get vaxxed. How well are things going to run without capable nuke plant operators, for instance?

3) Medical. The strain on the health care system is going to be catastrophic when all the health problems come fully into bloom. Combine this with the widespread vax mandates which will likely have messed up many doctors and nurses and you're talking near ELE. Will the unvaxxed medical staff want to come back to work for the organizations that fired them over it? I doubt it.

Where I am (in Europe) the vaccination rate (at least one dose) is almost 96% in the age group 20-29. Accounting for fakers and having seen and talked to people, I really believe the vaccination rate could be above 90%. Add to that the dying young athletes in the news and this leaves you with a bunch of young sick couch potatoes -- this is going to have a worse impact than World War II on demographics. Speaking about which, Europe has open borders and another demographic problem in the making.

In the long run, things will get better but "long" might be decades. I appreciate every minute of electricity and plumbing.
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