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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Boredfree 2k posts, incept 2021-09-15
2023-01-15 11:33:14


Well said sir, well said!

Too many cry about their 'difficult' choice. They obviously don't understand what a difficult choice really is.

Maybe too many realized they aren't the producers they believe themselves to be. They continually suck corporate cock to afford living in a home too large with debts larger. They're afraid to tell their abusers to fuck off because they'll face the ugly reality they really aren't necessary.

Yes, it does suck going against the mob. It sucks not having dozens of shallow friends to discuss meaningless television shows with while drinking designer cocktails.

I think of the many who complain loudly about media and data companies yet pay these abusers to lie to them, brainwash their children while secretly raping their pets(while you're sleeping Fido is getting fked by Facebook)

I'll sit in a little patch of trees on the mountainside where the view of the monkeys throwing poo at one another is good but far enough away I'm not getting splattered in their war of stupidity.

I would feel worse if I thought Americans were worth feeling bad for.

After years and years of middle east war mongering crap which helped how many former hippy's retirements grow? Americans wallowed in their greatness smugly thinking karma wouldn't find them.

People didn't do anything except complain and lose homes during the 2008 financial crapfest.

I was actually surprised during covid finding out just how pussified people are. I'm even more disappointed in homo sapein sapiens now. Sigh!

I really enjoy the Ticker. I just find it amusing how many are complaining about the smell while sitting amongst piles of their own shit.

The problem is most people want to point a finger rather than their thumb when dealing with challenges.
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