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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Xoph 2 posts, incept 2022-07-28
2023-01-15 09:23:41

I'm the only member of my immediate family unvexxed. The issues with the vex are common knowledge, but still not public. No one really is discussing them.

Why are the 20 and 30 somethings not out with pitch forks and torches? At least start demanding data on fertility and cancer.

What happens when people like me, the family crazy who remained unvexxed loose everyone? I'm old enough I have to sit on the porch and watch, but I suspect the trials will be skipped and capital punishment accelerated.

I belong to a volunteer organization that highly pressured members to get vexxed, most are >60. I have not seen a lot of impact from the vex. On the other hand I watched the CDC all cause mortality data jump up when COVID started and again when the vexxes started(Data since revised). How subtle is this? Is the real killer going to be clots, cancer, infertility or a broken immune system? Can it be all to increase confusion and muddy the waters? 3% is a small percentage and many people can write the deaths off to bad luck. In a few years it is the new normal. That's my worry.

And who did we select for? Critical thinkers with trust issues. This doesn't seem to be what TPTB would want if this were intentional. If I were culling the herd I'd want the sheeple left to be blindly obedient, not stubborn and distrustful. Too many contradictions, which I believe is the point.
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