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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Raven 18k posts, incept 2017-06-27
2023-01-15 09:19:53

It is very unsettling that people consider it a hard decision to not openly oppose the vexxine as opposed to playing along with fake vex cards and the like.

If this is a hard decision, how are we supposed to handle the really hard ones in terms of righting the culture. They are coming.

Yes, i am saying that losing career at even middle to late age, house, car, family plans, cash is not really a hard decision in the grand scheme of things and in term of things which others in this same modern era have had to face. There is nothing stopping anyone from starting at the bottom no matter the age or degree of loss. At least one's family will know for what one stands.

This clarifies a lot of thing for me personally and my folks and friends.

Yes, i have faced worse consequences in the past and similar to these concerns in tests of character. I can tell you one thing very clearly. Your actions have one terrible effect well outside of merely making it harder on those who did stand alone and in much smaller groups than necessary.

Those who "played the game" served notice on the other side as to what can be expected and exactly how to be bought. Throughout this entire mess, there was one layer after another of "outs" for people clever enough to take them. Unemployment anyone, made available to any who did not wish to comply? Just one example, don't need to list them.

The powers that be know exactly that a large mass of people will not walk off the job or mass shutdown an industry or society. Now they know that many people are as corruptible as they are already.

When you have no rights, everything which one was trying to protect is lost anyway.

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