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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Packetcap 2k posts, incept 2021-07-23
2023-01-14 15:46:08

So, personally, meaning, me, wife, daughter, all unvaxxed. Win! It was a trivially easy decision, we knew that a vaccine can't be developed in one year because real animal testing takes much longer. Also, It was clear there was a very high level of hysteria surrounding covid and hysterical people do not make good decisions.

A personal loss (temporary) is a wide variety of jobs around me require the vax, this is making it a little harder to be re-employed.

Society wise we have suffered a tremendous loss.

The vax was not safe, not effective, and useless. It introduced gigantic levels of health risk for those who've taken it. Risks that we're just learning the consequences of, like the rewriting of immune response. Sadly we're going to learn alot more as this stage of global clinical trials wears on.

Our health scare system will implode. It was going to anyways, but this will cause the implosion to be faster. Too many sick patients with incurable problems.

Our college student class was universally vaxxed. Time will tell if they are universally damaged. But you have an entire group aged 18-28 (including grad/phd students)

The early death and disability rate I feel will be much greater than 3%. This in combination with the baby boomers retiring (and that group is HIGHLY vaxxed & boosted) could be devastating financially.

Finally trust in public institutions, government, media, university, medical, etc is going to go to zero if enough people die.
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