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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Blackcrow 215 posts, incept 2021-04-04
2023-01-14 13:57:11

Great Ticker, as usual, but I fear it is just a ray at dawn before the Force 10 Hurricane arrives.

You can't call this the Coof "Epilogue" and there is going to be way more than a 3% death/disability rate. I would call everything that has come before "Prologue".

This jab has gone into the arms of 5.51 billion people or 71.8% of the world's population. Most have had >1 shot for a total of 12.7 billion shots given. There are at least 3 reasons for doom here.

1) With the Lipid Nano Particle (LNP) itself, you get uptake into every cell of your body. In oncology, the LNP was used as a delivery vehicle to get drugs into CANCER cells and across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is very lipophilic (fat) and cancer cells and their blood vessels have a different lipid bilayer composition. Remember that every cell in your body is enclosed in a LIPID bilayer, called the plasma membrane, like a soap bubble. It is what separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment. On the surface of your cells, in this lipid bilayer, floats thousands of molecules that have an extracellular domain connected to a transmembrane domain and then an intracellular domain. These molecules are in dynamic communication with each other both on the surface and within the cell. The lipid bilayer allows these molecules to move freely around the entire surface of the cell as they perform vital cellular functions. (Here is a pix: This is a cartoon description of an incredibly elegant and beautiful system, of course, for illustrations sake.

The LNPs have the ability to enter every single cell in your body. Every single one. There is no cell in the body that will be spared. None.

We know the Japanese study with Pfizer demonstrated this fact as well as preferential uptake in liver, spleen, bone marrow, ovary and testicles. This differential uptake is accounted for by solubility of the LNP in cells with slightly different lipid membrane compositions, ie, some cells are more or less lipophilic than others. This study was done in mice using luciferase in the LNP so who knows what is happening in humans.

One real problem here is that the LNP of these mRNA vaccines is much larger than 10 nm, the human studies for biodegradability have not been done and thus may never be excreted from the body. There are no autopsy/molecular studies in vaccinated humans on the longevity of these LNPs in human cells that I could find. These LNPs themselves can be toxic and if >10 nm cannot be excreted from the human body and must be biodegradable. https://jnanobiotechnology.biomedcentral....

There is an entire science of these things ( and it is worth a read. You can design LNPs of different size, charge, lipid composition, and a whole other host of characteristics.

Lastly, these LNPs were developed for use in CANCER patients for DRUGS in diseases where long term survival if the patients was not assured. Thus, there are no long term human studies of the effects of LNPs in humans. Now we are injecting LNPs containing ACTIVE GENETIC MATERIAL into billions of human beings that are expected to live a normal life span. That is something very different.

2) The vaccine mRNA enclosed in the LNP is NOT a normal RNA that would otherwise be destroyed in minutes. It has a nucleic acid substitutions that make it more difficult for the body or cell to degrade. This is called pseudouridination, the study of which is in its infancy. This altered mRNA exists for weeks, not minutes. (
PMC8786601/). It has to occur and be active even longer or IgG4 isotype switching cannot occur. IgG4 isotype switching requires months of exposure to an antigen, this would be the spike protein produced by the vaccine mRNA. So both the mRNA has to be long lived and active AND the spike protein has to last on the cell surface. Additionally, you cannot be assured that the fidelity of an altered mRNA transcription is the same as native mRNA: Thus you have no real control over what proteins are produced NOR the epigenetic modulation that occurs post translation. Studies have only focused on looking at the overall production of the targeted mRNA not on the amount or sequence of any degraded or altered variants. Therefore, you have no control over what is really being produced on the surface of every cell in your body AND THUS HAVE POTENTIALLY LOST CONTROL OVER THE SPECIFICITY OF THE IMMUNE RESPONSE.

3) From the above, we can see how every cell into your body that has cellular organelles is a factory making the vaccine mRNA spike protein as well as any other bastard protein in this imperfect process. These proteins are right next to your normal cellular molecules, some of which may be abnormal and part of an ongoing clinical or subclinical auto-immune response. Spike protein is highly immunogenic and now your immune system is seeing not only spike protein which mimics at least 28 other tissues in your body, but YOUR OWN CELLULAR PROTEINS, which may already be abnormal. So you are not only generating antibodies to spike that cross-react with your body but also producing antibodies to any abnormal tissues you may have.

That might explain why my earliest observation about the jabbed patients is that everything wrong they already had got worse post jab. Call it Crow's Law.

We have already touched on the subject of original antigenic sin, ADE, degradation of T and B cell function, TOL receptor abnormalities as well as other host immune derangements in the jabbed.

Sigh. Sorry so long.

I have struggled not to assign motives to those behind this disaster but to understand the pathophysiologic derangements to find a way to help the jabbed.

I leave Nuremberg 2.0 to those who can be more measured because, quite frankly, I fear what I would do if I had to power to punish those responsible.

This is shaping up to be the greatest public health disaster of all time. 3% death and disability? Way too optimistic.
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