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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Charles.haddock 38 posts, incept 2022-11-02
2023-01-14 12:25:51

I'm one of only a few in my network who didn't take the shots. My employer didn't require it and I was working remote and moved twice during the period when they were really pushing it hard. My family members did pressure me about it and it ruined Christmas 2021. I told them if they pulled another stunt like that family Christmas would not be a thing ever again. That was not a pleasant experience to go through and I intend never to forgive or forget who it was that put us through it. The ringleaders should be executed and the collaborators blacklisted for life.

Several people in my network of family, friends and associates have had mysterious health problems show up. This includes everything from menstrual problems in women, to myocarditis-like symptoms in athletes, persistent coughs that people didn't used to have, psoriatic arthritis, bone density loss, inflamed gall bladders, general weakness and malaise, and so on. The wife of one of my college professors from back in the day even dropped dead from a heart attack (confirmed vaxxed and boosted), and one of my friends' former employers had a death and a stroke in their senior leadership. Now, maybe some of these are just natural illnesses and totally unrelated. But I have never seen such a wide array of health complaints in my network in all my life.

As for how long the "suck" will last, that's an interesting question. America today is not the America of the '70s-'80s. Then, there was still industry and trust in institutions, although both of those were beginning to erode. Whether we can turn this around I think depends on how much we can learn from the mistakes of the last 10-15 years (the disastrous Easy Money era)[*], and so far the data on that aren't encouraging. But we can do our best to change that by talking loudly about what the problems are, i.e. being courageous. Without pushback, nothing gets better.

[*] - Of course, "too big to fail" began in the 1980s as Karl pointed out in the book Leverage, and economic globalization of the 1990s-2000s contributed too, alongside the Easy Money policies of the Greenspan era onward.
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