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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Merkinmuffley 104 posts, incept 2021-09-10
2023-01-14 12:25:27


Correct, the people responsible for this entire disaster are still in charge and calling the shots. They are going to continue to provide cover for useful idiots that pushed the jabs and use any excuse to continue their failed policies. Furthermore, the people that bought into the narrative are only going to double-down and become even more tyrannical before ever allowing a shred of doubt to enter their consciousness.

They are already ginning up new pseudo-scientific studies to explain how the excess mortality either doesn't exist or is due to the unjabbed. They also have studies that show people with myocarditis from natural infection had worse outcomes than people that got myocarditis from the jab. So now your doctor can say yes, you got myocarditis from the jab, but if you got it from actually having covid your outcome might have been worse. The obvious difference being that in one of those scenarios the harm is self-inflicted. The latest is that there is a new variant that escapes immunity, predicted of course by Karl & others, so the jabbed need to get their booster and the unjabbed need to get jabbed. There will be a new call for forced jabbing of the unjabbed. I have a feeling that at this point the unjabbed are pretty steadfast in their opposition, and that any attempts at forcing jabs will not go over well. After all, either way you're being sentenced to death.

On the bright side, the people in our camp only continues to grow both in terms of numbers, as awareness grows, AND in percentage through attrition. I constantly tell my wife, because she continues to fret over this, that NO ONE, A LITERAL ZERO, of the unjabbed are saying "Damn, I wish I got the jab."
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