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 Two Health-Related Nasties
Sonoran_monk 3k posts, incept 2021-08-16
2023-01-14 10:28:25

ALS it is a horrible way to go, my Dad died of it and I got to see the entire progression up close. He was previously one of those annoyingly healthy people who was always exercising, eating healthy, never did any drugs, probably drank two glasses of wine in his life, never smoked, and was on basically zero medications ever (maybe some childhood antibiotics).

Who the hell knows what causes it. He did get a shingles vax a year or so before, but that is a who the hell knows kind of thing if it had any part to play. He was also getting PRP therapy for shoulder pain around the same time, but that was probably early ALS symptoms causing the pain in hindsight. These two things are interesting since he almost never visited the doc aside from the dentist (mercury and flouride free treatments for him) and an ortho doc for a knee ligament repair.

Getting a vax while you are under for another procedure without your consent would lead to a whole lot of justifiable killings once you woke up.
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