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 Two Health-Related Nasties
Wayiwalk 1k posts, incept 2016-11-09
2023-01-11 09:10:38

About thirty years ago (I was in my late 20's) I had some chest muscle tightness so thought I would get myself checked out with a cardiologist there was also some history of heart issues in the family high blood pressure et cetera although no one had ever suffered or died of a heart attack.

To put things in perspective at this point in my life I had more free time so I was regularly doing 6 to 8 mile runs a few times a week... Playing sports in the form of weekend Warrior, bicycling just generally very very active My weight was correct and just like today I ate a healthy diet I've never been one for processed foods we weren't raised that way in my family.

The cardiologist put me on the treadmill with the EKJ and basically I went from the slow walk to the medium walking speed to very very brisk may be even a jog I can't remember and basically they were like there's nothing wrong here.... I remember during the testing as they kept on cranking up the speed they started looking at each other like "there's nothing wrong with this guy I wish I was that fit"

But the blood work came back with high cholesterol so the doctor wrote a prescription for Lipitor.

I went through that 1 prescription and went back for my blood work and basically my cholesterol levels didn't budge.

Back then I thought to myself OK my mom who is the other person with high cholesterol is in her fifties let's see how her heart holds out over the years in the meantime that was it I stopped with the Lipitkr and didn't think about it again other than when I do get blood work done I see my cholesterol comes back high and it's like "whatever..." Also aware that the statin was based on a correlation to heart attacks, but something seemed suspect but I didn't think any further than that.

Mom lived to 91...never had any heart issues. I'm hoping to reach 88. And except for that 1 time prescription for Lipitor, drug free my whole life!

Phuck Pharma!

I keep thinking, "it can't get any worse" and then it does!

Let's Go Brandon!

Reason: fix typos
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