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 Amnesty? Absolutely NOT
Lobo 1k posts, incept 2013-12-25
2022-11-01 19:59:48

With all the ink that will be spilled on her epic, clueless blunder and confession of stupidity, I hope that Ms. Oster's ears burst into flames or ring so loudly that she is now deaf. smiley

getting something wrong wasnt a moral failing

Yes, it was. You gave up essential freedoms just in case. Even worse, you demanded that everyone else give up freedoms OR ELSE.

It wasnt pleasant, but feelings were high. And I certainly dont need to dissect and rehash that time for the rest of my days.

Poor, poor baby. Such a hard life. She most likely didn't lose a paycheck during this whole debacle. Business owners were told, to their face, that their livelihood was a privilege and it could be destroyed at any time by the whims of a number of different levels of government. People were told that they were "essential" right up until they were told they were worthless unless they were vaxxed.

We need to collect data, experiment, and invest.

You're a professor. Spend your own damn money and do it. Don't try to scam the taxpayers. Show us how brilliant you are.

politicians will need to consider school mandates.

WTF. More of the same **** that caused problems at the start of the "pandemic." Notice that she didn't say that lock downs, masks and mandates should never happen again. She's perfectly happy to have that power in the back pocket of the government, just in case it's really, really needed next time. When you have a SWAT team, every problem looks like a hostage situation.

Many people have neglected their health care over the past several years.

Yeah, mistakes were made. Burrocratic weasel wording. I'm not surprised, given her profession. People "neglected" their health. It's not like they were told to stay home until they couldn't breathe and only then go to the ER. It's not like people weren't told to be scared to death about the 'vid compared to other things like, oh, heart attacks or cancer. You know, stay out of the hospitals because they are overwhelmed. Everything except the coof was "elective" and not really needed.

She has kids. I hope they find out that the vax has screwed them hard and they go home one day to push Emily's wheelchair off the top of the stairs. Enjoy the ride, bitch.

Village Idiot
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