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 Amnesty? Absolutely NOT
Joancrawford 1k posts, incept 2013-10-14
2022-11-01 13:59:05

@Phils, although I view the "history" that is often portrayed by our media regarding Nazi concentration camps with a bit of skepticism, there is no doubt the camps existed. For me, I never understood why Jews boarded those trains to begin with. For example, Jews knew that:

1) the Nazis hated them and wanted them gone.
2) the Nazis were liars, thieves, and not to be trusted.
3) the Nazis viewed Jews as scum of the earth, literally beneath them-inhuman.

They boarded the trains anyway.

Fast forward to 2020/21

1) the WEF have openly stated there are too many humans on the planet.
2) the only way to "save" Mother Earth is to deindustrialize (eat bugs, live in shipping containers).
3) get rid of all modernity (cars, airplanes, heating, cooling).

So yeah, I'm going to listen to these assholes who flit about in private jets and yachts, own many mansions, including on the beach (Obama, cough, cough), and dine on caviar, lobster, $500/bottle champagne.

You'd have to be a special brand of idiot to believe ANYTHING they suggest/mandate.

Reynolds wrap warning: Covid, the jabs, just a little too stupid to believe they're not purposefully f*cking out to destroy us and our progeny, and steal everything they can get their grubby little mits on.

So, if nothing else, we've learned that although there are indeed shortages on this
Earth, the ONE thing there is no shortage of is gullible idiots.

Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.-Dorothy Parker

Boys don't make passes at girls with fat asses.-slightly modified DP
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