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 Since We're Taking Shots....
Prof_dilligaf 563 posts, incept 2021-09-02
2022-01-31 15:51:50

"I write in defense of the United States and Her public health,

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD"

Once again, they just can't help themselves: " I'm George Washington, Louis Pasteur, and Jesus all rolled up into one noble, holy, and damn sexy package!" There's a real danger that if all of America's doctors ever gathered in one place, the gravitational pull of their egos would combine to produce a supermassive black hole to rival the one at the center of our galaxy.

And even more galling is how little of that egotism is remotely justified, when one of his "points" is even though a huge number of people in "authority" have been lying directly to our faces, we should still buy what they're selling because, um, reasons?
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