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 Since We're Taking Shots....
Kikknback 2k posts, incept 2020-03-17
2022-01-31 15:50:13

"First, Do No Harm" - Original Hippocratic Oath

Has become:

"First, Murder Them All" - NEW Hippocratic Oath

If the medical "profession"[cough] follows the original Hippocratic Oath, they CAN'T "build a ticket"(conduct as many tests/treatments as possible, and purposely make you sicker to make more money).

If the medical "profession"[cough] follows the NEW Hippocratic Oath, they CAN "build a ticket"(conduct as many tests/treatments as possible, and purposely make you sicker to make more money).

Follow the money? If you follow the money in politics, you find the criminals.

Well, the same is now true in the medical "profession"[cough].

The CRIMINAL MEDICAL-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX have become politicians with their sole purpose to generate as much revenue as possible to strip American families of all of their wealth(Transfer of wealth / Steal from the Middle Class).

This Covid-19 WORLD WIDE FRAUD is a coordinated and choreographed GENOCIDE.

This ticker dispels the lies the CRIMINAL MEDICAL-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX has recited to the citizens around the world for two years with scientific irrefutable evidence to prove it.

Kamala Harris, an ex-prosecutor breaking the RULE OF LAW, is NOT a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, and is NOT legally eligible to run for President, per the CONSTITUTION. Why are CONGRESS, MEDIA, REP
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