6k posts, incept 2007-11-30
2022-01-11 18:51:14
This was always my baseline scenario, after the initial anti-China hysteria which I could tell was a case of "The Lady doth protest too much."
I figured that deep elements of the US government were involved in illegally funding the research. Fauci ought to be hauled before a Nuremberg committee with a jury of everyday international citizens of each nation impacted by the pandemic. A swift conviction and public hanging would be the only way to restore a sense of justice
Any university that participated in the research should be given the death penalty, have their educational charters revoked, and anyone whose fingerprints are on the research permanently banned from setting foot on any campus or ever publishing again.
None of this will happen, of course. I have seen no coverage of this story outside of TF, Zerohedge, and the usual alt-media suspects.