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 I...TOLD.... YOU.... SO!
Raven 18k posts, incept 2017-06-27
2022-01-12 12:11:56

If Russia is smart and they and Putin are very much so, they are going to not start problems in the world. This is because they know that we could really use a conflict to cover up our shitshow. It is much better for us to be allowed to squirm along with the rest of our Western co-conspirators. They are going to let us twist in the wind and might actually behave themselves with The Ukraine for quite some time just to keep from distracting us. We are going to pay for this big time in terms of world credibility, and Russia is going to play it for decades.

Next, there is a much bigger problem that is running concurrently with the PV release. There is an increasing probability that another player is using the vexxine as a selective targeting weapon, and i have an even worse theory.

Please take the time to watch this video:

"Premeditated Mass Murder! Dr. Michael Yeadon Joins Reiner Fuellmich To Discuss Genocide Clues"

Dr. Yeadon, former Chief Scientist at Pfizer, does an excellent presentation that there is no way that the negative outcomes were a manufacturing error as some of us have proposed. It is his opinion that an overt act was committed for the purpose of producing kill shots and severe injury. He also described how easy it would be to do such a thing.

Here is my theory of which we should be very concerned.

The negative vexxine reactions have for the most part been immediate and discoverable. An interested party could use standard techniques to screen patients who received batches which caused problems and probably find pathology.

Dr. Yeadon has not discussed something else of concern to me. There could be all sorts of genetic payloads in these shots for "experimental" purposes with effect not obvious or immediate. Perhaps the rigorous tracking of this is part of a hidden experiment to verify effects of other nasty and planned for things. We are dealing with the fact that anything is possible when dealing with immoral evil.

This could be a large first test of what can be achieved with genetic payloads in an intramuscular injection.

Dr. Yeadon was quite clear that unless one knows what he is looking for in testing a vexxine sample, there is no way to discover what is actually in the sample. There are simply too many possibilities.

In closing, it should be of concern that the immediate deaths and injury were deliberate and that there could be other injurious effects planned in particular batches that have not been currently identified as having any negative affect.

This is the even greater scandal. Some group which does not have to be large committed murder, and might be part of a larger agenda, and there could be even greater problems for recipients which are not known. This could include cancers, autoimmune disease and that now it is possible to adulterate any inject-able medical treatment without discovery.

Note that Dr. Yeadon has decided to come to the United States for his safety. This is the most precious thing which we risk losing, if not already gone. This is the country where people protesting injustice feel the most safe. We stand for something in this regard, and the world used to look to us as a symbol. Dr. Yeadon comes from the world center for some of the highest development of Anglo culture, the Western society and the place of origin for much of our high ideals. We separated from them and have watched their society decline from these ideals safe in the notion that we got it right when in actuality we simply followed their lead becoming a surveillance police state as a cover for power based injustice. The Clintons were merely ahead of the curve. Australia and Canada are police states.

Is this where we want to be? Fear can make us accept a lot of things. Notice how Tony Blair was all cool with us becoming a security state after 9-11. The Anglo plan is to crush the last vestige of true autonomy and freedom as then there will never be a place for a Dr. Yeadon to find shelter.

Think long and hard at the recent censorship. Yes, sometimes we are quite boorish and not as sophisticated as our Anglo brothers, but at least we never had to ask for assumed freedoms. Oh yea, now we do. Official policy is forcing a medical treatment and we are asking for our rights. That happens in the UK, not here. We do not elect a dictator which is what a Prime Minister actually is.

Wake up folks.

This is actually worse than you can imagine. Targeted weapons using stealth.

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