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 I...TOLD.... YOU.... SO!
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2022-01-12 10:14:00

@Lavalle - Yep. This was wildly grossly negligent conduct and while the government typically does not give a fuck private educational institutions are not protected in any way from their involvement in it. Duke and UNC should be destroyed for this, as an appetizer. So should any institution that knew about it and said nothing, which almost-certainly includes EVERY epidemiological research and public health organ. I'll bet every one of them knew goddamned well what occurred and knew it months before February of 2020.

@Skybluepink - He knew. I'm certain of it and he should go to the gallows for it. The President has access to anything he wants access to; there is no such thing as a classified document he cannot see. He is the only person in the government with the capacity to overrule all access restrictions on a blanket basis and he can confer that access to others whether the "security apparatus" likes it or not. The Presidency has only a handful of unfettered powers and this is one of them. Shitting-pants might not have known originally and by the time he was inaugurated he may well have lost enough of his faculties that he didn't know to ASK, but he certainly has the same access here and now and has had for the last year.

There are also a decent number of Senators (in particular) and a few Reps who had access to this information as well. Everyone will try to claim otherwise, of course, but they're lying. How many of the understood the implications is an open question. Among the Senators it would be expected, among Reps not so much. You'd be shocked at how stupid Reps can be, but when it comes to Senators -- not so much.

Once you look at what is in that proposal to DARPA and its rejection, then funding by Fauci, you understand the scope and crazy that went through everything in the US when it comes to public health organs. They all knew goddamned well what happened and why, and their research departments, which is how they all get paid, would be destroyed if it came out. Burying that in the story of a "natural" evolution was thus necessary. This is a global group of people and reaches every single western nation. They all knew -- every one of them. So did China, of course, since they were in the middle of it, and they have the same problem -- their people might well rise up and sack the fucking place.

Who likely ISN'T involved? Russia, believe it or not. But you can bet Putin knew within days of it starting what happened and who was responsible.

Were I Putin I'd fuck everyone involved straight up the ass -- and he just might.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."

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