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 I...TOLD.... YOU.... SO!
Tickticktick 229 posts, incept 2008-11-23
2022-01-12 09:06:02

Also, i want some better timelines as this thing probably got started over a year before the first noteworthy events.

- unknown pneumonia deaths with "bi-lateral ground glass opacity" found in the lungs, early 2019 in Dominican Republic. Variety of age/sex/condition people from a variety of countries (tourists, all of them) die. Never explained what happened. Go back and read the reports about the symptoms, conditions, and disease progression. The "news" said that maybe it was due to disgruntled locals poisoning the liquor in the in-room liquor bars (you can't make this shit up!).

- vaping illness outbreak, Summer 2019. It was finally "discovered" by the CDC that it was due to Vitamin C acetate contamination in the "juice". The bi-lateral, ground-glass opacity noticed in many of the victims was not much of a concern.

- nursing home deaths around a famous (infamous?) US bioweapons research lab located in Maryland, and nursing homes in close proximity. Everyone reckons it's the common cold, nothing to see here. CDC (of all people....) order the US Army (!) to close the country's oldest research lab. Because of bad protocols in handling (viral) materials. Meaning the viral escaped, somehow.

- I don't have the source for this anymore (I think), but back in later September (I believe) of 2019, researchers and doctors in Taiwan (note: friendlies) notified the CDC (I think) of a breakout of a strange new influenza-like illness with a specific (can you guess what type?) of lung damage. The CDC told them to mind their own business.

- here's a good timeline (someone else linked to it)........NOTE THAT IT WAS PUBLISHED IN MARCH, 2020.....

Will this just go away like a popcorn fart or.....

Like a popcorn fart, for now, hopefully it may one day (after we're all long gone) become a nuclear popcorn fart.

That they sought to suppress the early treatment options (HCQ, Ivermectin, etc.) in order to push people into the vaccine option does NOT mean the release was intentional (although it might be).

The bullets that went thru Kennedy's brain does NOT mean that they were the cause of his death.

At minimum, this will destroy the credibility of the U.S. medical establishment.....

What's this "credibility" thingy that you are talking about, paleface?

.....but I am hopeful.

Hope is not a strategy.

I dont think other countries will ignore this.

They shut down too, destroyed their economies, shot up their people.

Which countries you talkin' about? France? The UK? Germany? Australia? New Zealand? Or maybe the great state of Canada? What, exactly, makes you believe that all of them (and others) didn't already know about it?

When do we get to kill everyone involved?

Right after they finish disabling and/or killing all of us. So be patient.....

Oh please don't let this be some kind of honeypot operation.

You know, even if it is (doubt it), what --- in the Immortal Words of The Immortal Hillary --- difference does it make? Isn't the evidence pretty much clear as day, even w/o this info? HOW MUCH EVIDENCE AND COMMON SENSE DO YOU NEED TO BE CONVINCED? For God's sake, man (or woman), STOP TRUSTING IN POWERFUL PEOPLE THAT YOU:

a) don't know anything about
b) that have repeatedly lied to you about......well, about almost everything.
c) or otherwise your "hope" and "belief" and blah-blah-blah makes you a part of the problem. I'm not trying to be a shit by saying this, but....C'mon, man!

I see no evidence that any covidian is changing their mind.

Why you even bother looking for such "evidence" is beyond me. Most of those people could give a rat's ass about a virus (maybe at first, but even then it's doubtful), their worldview is all based on their absolute terror and disgust about Trump ---- not so much him personally, but everything that he was SAYING (actions, well, that's a whole different story). But his WORDS: they ticked off ALL of the right boxes, they promised to pull off some long lingering scabs, they postulated that all of the fraud, all of the "bezzle", all of the "shithole-ness" that this society/country had become was going to be exposed and fixed. That's what drew people to Trump (and still does; never mind reality)....and you'd better sit up and take notice here: that is what these same people can't stand. Whether for economic reasons ("if the bezzele goes away, what am I going to do then?") or their lack of self-worth --- as Cmoledor so correctly pointed out yesterday: ("if I can't say that I am 'proud to be an American', then what else am I, that's the only worthy thing about me that I can brag about....").

Go re-listen to this rather stunning speech that Michael Moore (of all people) gave right before the 2016 election (predicting that Trump would win).....note what he is saying....Moore has got a lot of issues (mental and otherwise), but boy does he have a way of correctly expressing what the average person on the ground is feeling and thinking (probably because he takes the time to get out and, you know, actually talk to and listen to regular people):

But I would still like to know the primary motivation for the suppression of early treatments and the pushing of vaccines they knew from the get go would have problems.


From my take assuming this document is real is not so much what people here will do (we know most dont care) but what will other nations do?

Which countries you talkin' about? France? The UK? Germany? Australia? New Zealand? Or maybe the great state of Canada?

Or do you mean Botswana or East Timor?

People in my office are much more interested in their booster schedule than actually learning that ivermectin is effective at all stages of the infection.

At this point in time, you should stop trying to dissuade them from their enthusiasms, and encourage them. Ask them if they're sure that 3 are enough? Perhaps take injections for someone else?

Some would say this is a very cynical, perhaps malicious way of being, for which you may encounter eternal damnation for doing so.

Others might say if you don't do everything to stop this madness that you are fully aware of, and can see the eventual outcome of, then you may encounter eternal damnation for not doing so.

Or as Sean Connery said (dying words) in The Untouchables: "What are you prepared to do?"

What will happen with the kids?

Go ahead, take a wild guess......

What will become of the US military? Are they headed for the same fate?

Go ahead, take a wild guess......

Who cares, they all took the shot, and will be life-fucked or dead soon anyway. The problem is self-solving.

Encourage them to "bid early and often"......take more shots, as many as they can find, go pharmacy to pharmacy and get superized with boosters, you can probably hit a dozen per day, it should be a real Boosterama, what are you waiting for?

When this sham fully unravels it will have the potential of being nation ending as people realize how dangerous the "vaccines" are.

Carnack the Magnificent sez: no they won't.

People are going to lose it especially if many of their children are made sick or dead from the "vaccine".

Karnack the Magnificent sez: no they won't.

This confirms their original research was legitimate, But they went about it in a half-assed manner.

Oh please. STOP IT!

They are racial supremacists, consider you cattle, and are psychopaths

Attention all! Here, this, right above you. Listen to this man. You're life may literally depend on doing so.

Quote: attorney would take on a class action lawsuit involving only the unvaccinated (control group) citing the government making false claims against the unvaccinated labeling them "domestic terrorist" resulting in major discrimination and grave emotional damages.

Sure, maybe this will happen. And if we all had square assholes, we could shit bricks and build our houses really cheaply.

Sorry to be such a killjoy, but since you're here at the World Headquarters of Rationality and Reality, you're going to have to make an effort to disabuse yourself of all the mind-fucking that you've had throughout your entire life (think about that for a moment....) and be like Juels in Pulp Fiction and "have a moment of clarity".

Oh, and one last thing:

The issue which has swept down thru the centuries, and which will have to be fought sooner or later, is the people versus the banks."
- Lord Acton

P.S. you may wonder, why do I post that quote? Ask yourself, where does all of the funding that allows all of this kind of shit (and more....) to happen actually come from? Acton seems to have figured it out almost 200 years ago....
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