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 I...TOLD.... YOU.... SO!
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28
2022-01-11 16:16:01

Karl, I think anyone who has done a deep dive into this knows most of this to be true. If anything is false, it is DARPA covering their own asses. Due to all the absurdity surrounding this issue, who would look and not assume this is a deep pile of shit. There may be a few stupid people, in DC, but I suspect there has been a lot of ass covering going on by a lot of people. The biological portion of the US government is too damn powerful and reaches deep into Congress, due to the nationwide power behind health and pharma. It is why, despite the dangers being presented, we never get a solution, in health care, which is really nothing more than cutting off the feed into the trough.

I think it is Kennedy, who said DARPA was involved, in the funding as a means to get around the ban on biological weapons. This could be a story to leave the room and blame the fart on those who remain. We already know Fauci is on the seat, but realize this bullshit went worldwide and exceeds the need to cover a few asses in the USA, China and Canada.

You know, a lot of this national and international shitshow needs to come down. We need to reclaim our rights, while this door is open, and clean out the mountains of trash, in our central power. This isn't a government, for the people, by the people and hasn't been, for a long time. The closest we got to Fauci, in Congress was Rand Paul and the Democrats, to a person, tried to shut that off. How can we have a silent Congress, while health, pharma and the health agencies wage biological war against us? Not to mention the numerous corporations involved, in pushing the plan.

Everyone here needs to check the record and see, if their Congressperson raised any issues against this nonsense. If they were mute, or offered cover, they should be recalled. The Democrat Party has openly been working on efforts to bring down the Bill of Rights, for decades. But this has been a bipartisan issue, for a long time. Look at the fucking court, where some members want to make decisions based on CNN, instead of law. How many air raid sirens do we need, before we realize bombers are on the way?

There is a lot of cans and can't that might be muttered, on this issue. But we can't let the status quo remain. These people tried to destroy all freedom, in the country, using a self-inflicted event on us and a bunch of Karens against us. Getting rid of Fauci doesn't cover what else they did with impunity. Do we need Grassley as President, since the group ahead of him openly pushed the game? At least we saw Trump openly question the situation, from time to time. For all we know, some kind of quasi government arrangement, may have blocked him and the media wars against him may have as well. But at this time, he is a culprit as well. Trump had a lot of enemies, in his chain of command. DC is Denmark and a lot is rotten there. I think he is done either way. You can't pretend to be in charge, when you aren't.

We can't allow government to investigate themselves here. This has gone on too damn long. The people need to do this and not a single politician in either party should be involved. I don't care. if it is a few housewives and retired lawyers, bean counters and construction workers. The Doctors that spoke out, would be good additions. But this is wider than just health. It also involves the next tyrant issue, climate scam. How many wars, how much arming our enemies, how much fake science, how much medical larceny can we live through, as free people or, for that matter, slaves?

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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