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 Where Roe Is Going
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-12-02 08:53:24

Meh @Cookietough -- a very material percentage of zygotes implant and for whatever reason are rejected in the first two weeks. The woman doesn't even know she was pregnant 90+% of the time when that happens.

You either don't know this (in which case you're uneducated) or you DO know this and intentionally are ignoring it (in which case you're an asshole and a millimeter away from the banhammer.) I DID warn people to read the original Roe decision BEFORE commenting, and there was a reason for that.

It's all fine and well to take the scientifically-correct position that once fertilization has taken place then unique, new life has been created. I'm good with that, as soon as you are consistent with your beliefs, which you are not.

How do I know you're not?

Because of the above -- if you were consistent then any woman who was not in optimum, to the best of her ability, health and capacity to support the implantation and growth of said zygote would be charged with homicide every time that failed, and in addition she'd be required to self-monitor on a daily basis with testing to detect fertilization and implantation at any time she'd had sex since her previous period. The consumption of any drug or other thing that impaired this, down to a cup of coffee, would be illegal. So would having a voluntarily-impaired glucose tolerance, for that matter (e.g. being fat.)

Of course you DON'T support that, do you? Yet that's where your corner case position is, and that you don't go there means you don't mean it.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."

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