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 Uh, That's Not A Conspiracy Theory
Tickticktick 229 posts, incept 2008-11-23
2021-11-03 07:54:22

As a car guy I've always hated the "speed kills" mantra but it applies in things like development of these shots.'s true. But not in relation to vehicles. The term originally referred to speed (amphetamine) abusers, who would go on "speed" binges for days, not sleeping or eating, get neurotic and psychotic, and then end up killing people around them. "Speed kills"....not so much the user, but people around him.

Jansen uses a different technique to get the RNA into the victim's cells, but do they use the same technique as Pfizer and Moderna to create the RNA payload in the first place?

I don't know whether this is relevant, but here goes:

- A friend of mine is "double-vaxxed": he was in the early trials for the Novavax product in January 2021, got both doses. And then he got the Moderna jab and booster. "Why?" I asked him, incredulously, my jaw dropping to the floor....

"Novavax was actually highly effective in clinical trials. In fact, the trial that I participated in was a 2:1 trial where 2/3 of participants received the vaccine and 1/3 got placebo. What they had trouble with was manufacturing capacity. They were using the same contract manufacturer as some of the vaccines that had already received emergency use authorization (EUA) like Pfizer and Moderna.

The reason I dropped out of the trial in May is that without EUA, Novavax could not issue vaccine cards which I needed for work. So I then had to get 2 doses of the Moderna.

When I quit the trial, they told me I received the vaccine, not the placebo. I confirmed that through an antigen blood test.

Novavax is still having problems completing its trial because of the manufacturing capacity problem and how many people dropped out for the same reason I did. One of the attractive features of Novavax is that it doesnt require all the special handing like refrigeration so it will be very attractive in 3rd world countries."

- The above report was from late September 2021.

- He is rather high-up in the medical industry food-chain, and is not prone to exaggeration or might rightly describe him as being very serious and "stoic".

So not only may the various manufacturers be using common "component" suppliers, they may be using common manufacturers.
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