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 Uh, That's Not A Conspiracy Theory
Dudeguy 44 posts, incept 2021-08-24
2021-11-03 07:54:22


Good investigative work, agreed it probably is a quality control issue or they are fiddling with the formulation as they go along. There is something confounding going on in the production of these things, lot by lot most likely. Now, I'm not a chemistry guy, I got a C in general chemistry in my engineer coursework, so I will defer to everyone else there. I do have some professional thug experience, so a couple issues come to mind for the tin foil inclined crowd to address if this is deliberate:

1. BDA (Battle Damage Assessment). If this is deliberate poisoning with certain lots, then the attacker needs to be able to assess the impact of what they are doing. Anyone who says this is intentional needs to answer how the WEF or whatever Bond villain is getting precise information back on how well their formulation worked, so they can determine what the next move or formulation looks like. Given the defects with VAERS noted here, they can't be relying on this info Karl looked at for a campaign, and it's not clear how else they get the precise info back on how they'd be doing. They gotta know how they're doing with the current stuff to know how the boosters should be set up if this is a deliberate campaign. We know boosters forever more is the game plan, but I don't see how they get feedback on how they did with the current jabs. To me that says nobody cares what the jabs do, it's just about money and control, not deliberately whacking a bunch of people. They just don't care that they do whack a bunch of people with this insanity.

2. That the J&J has a similar pattern to the other mRNA shots is a huge tell on something because it's a totally different delivery system and tech. As noted, it isn't an mRNA vs. adenovirus thing, it's a spike protein thing, the mRNA is a red herring IMO. It is linked to the production of the spike protein, not that mRNA is used to make the proteins, because the adenovirus gets the same issue without involving any new fancy mRNA tech. Hmm... Good news certainly for Moderna, but not sure what else to say there... Perhaps let's look for other correlations between the three deadliest lots from each jab maker. @TG, I see you named the two nastiest lots for Moderna and Pfizer in your table in the article. Can you name the ugliest for J&J? I would also be interested in production date if possible. My sense for this is they are iterating new variants of this stuff as time goes along and they all cooperate under the table. They have a game plan for x amount of mRNA and adenovirus makes y amount of spike protein, and they adjusted the slide on x downward as time went on and they heard rumors of bad effects, but never issued a recall on what was shipped, does that make sense? Then the shipped stuff just kinda worked its way into the general public. Simple stupid stuff like not cleaning out the fridge consistently and getting all the vials at the back before putting the new shipment into the fridge. Any pharma or docs, can things be that sloppy at a field injection site??? Everything about this jab has been sloppy, so I'm thinking why not, but I really don't know.

Again, congrats to you Karl and credit where it's due, wish it could have come under better circumstances. This is a big deal, you and those other guys are probably the first to see this. .gov guys running this VAERS database are paid to take the reports, not look at and think about them. You might not think anyone could possibly be this thick but I'm telling you they are. For example, I was made to take a class on my way out of the Army along with everyone else called CTIP, Combatting Trafficking of Illegalized Persons or something like that. One of the big things in there was, Don't buy goods and services made from prison labor because that encourages it! That's an order! A couple days later, I was on a last look through my local military clothing and sales shop before I lost access, and what did I see but new PT uniforms, with a proud little American flag and Made in America sign, along with a big gray logo on the package that said FEDERAL PRISON INDUSTRIES, just like that in caps too. Now what kind of labor do you suppose FEDERAL PRISON INDUSTRIES uses in America??? I don't want to hear about how eeevvvil communist China is for using convict labor from the USG. I don't want to hear about much of anything from USG anymore, it's all ignorance or lies. And this was back in 2012, it's just gotten way more obvious today.
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