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 Uh, That's Not A Conspiracy Theory
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-11-02 19:13:44


This is a tolerance stack problem. I'll bet $10,000 on it.

It's also not controllable in a reasonably commercial environment given the sensitivity to it. THAT is why its happening.

That sort of problem produces exactly what you see. GM had it happen with their 5.3L engines in the early 2000s. I have a good one; the stack didn't get me. If you got a bad one it destroyed itself inside of 30,000 miles due to piston slap. GM ate a BUNCH of engines. But..... there's a lot of people with those trucks, 20 years on, that are fine and do not consume excessive oil or destroy themselves. Mine's one of them.

That was two variables. This is likely more than two, perhaps three or four, which is why you get the exponential series.

There is no fix. Simply put you cannot successfully vaccinate using a "protein production technique" against these viruses. The sensitivity is too high and since the spike is pathogenic if you get a tolerance stack you fuck everyone that gets that lot at a wildly-accelerated rate. It is likely impossible, or nearly-so, to detect it before its used.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."

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