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 Our Screaming Child @POTUS
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28
2021-09-30 14:08:29

The way I read the Constitution is the government wasn't given the authority to alter contracts post facto and it was prohibited in the States. That it wasn't granted Congress and was specifically prohibited, implies the authority isn't there.

How much of the Federal government would be lawful, absent war and Emergency? 90% minimum. When enumeration powers, why didn't they put in whatever the hell they wanted to do, if there were no limits? Is there any greater evidence they threw us in the trash and will do anything they want, than this procedure? I just looked up the powers and the States were supposed to maintain the Army, not the United States, all the way to appointing officers. The coastline, being common, the US was to maintain a Navy, hence the USMC being included, in the Navy. All the New Deal was passed under Emergency, FDR's moral equivalent of war. The actions are unconstitutional otherwise.

What has this emergency brought us? Hospital treatment designed to kill people. Experiments carried out on the public, to the point they are now coerced, with data, effectiveness and safety being hidden or manipulated. All effective early treatments being effectively banned or demonized. Trillions being stolen and economic lives being wiped out. When do we get out of this? When they say so. Never, or the totalitarian, asset stripping, freedom restricting rules will disappear. Like any problem where government derives power, is it ever made smaller? This is why every scratch is turned into a brain tumor.

We will be lucky to get out of this, because they never give back. If we do, we need to take this shit show down, no matter the short term costs. The USA is operating in the region of financial and economic absurdity and it only continues, because the rest of the world is in the same region. This money comes out of our asses, not theirs. We should see now what they, the political class think of us. The government provides nothing they don't steal, from us. They are looting us. Look at the debt ceiling bullshit, about default being threatened. The US government hasn't paid its debts in the last 90 years. I just saw the debt clock, $86,600 per capita, most of whom don't have an extra $1000. Triple that, per private job.

No entity, not even the government, should be able to destroy the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, in a free society using duress. One more time, they have created a crisis and stuck it in us. No matter what you think, of the virus, whether real or fake, none of this stuff is going to make it go away. Do we then venture out and live or hide away and starve? This didn't happen by chance.

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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