32 posts, incept 2021-08-27
2021-09-24 09:04:32
Very interesting ticker. You can definitely imagine a number of possibilities for how each med could interfere with or perhaps decrease viral damage.
The antihistamines may interfere with viral attachment to receptor sites as mentioned above. Also by drying up secretions and allowing for better airway patency. Decreasing histamine release may limit viral escape by preventing leaky tissue cellular membranes. Finally histamine production eats up a wide range of "cofactors" such as zinc and vitamin C. This may further complicate matters by causing deficiencies in downstream responses to the virus.
Azithromycin would treat "atypical" bacteria pneumonia, but it also confers anti-inflammatory properties in viral pneumonia. Also it may inhibit further binding of viral particles to human cells. I've read a few papers mentioning it could help stabilize production of interferons as well which are vital in viral response.
Levaquin is a the typical antibiotic of choice for complex pneumonia, ie for individuals with underlying comorbidities such as COPD. It is very broad spectrum covering a wide range of potential bacteria. Being that these individuals are likely less active and mobile this is important as the risk for secondary, bacteria is quite high as a result.
Finally the bronchodilator would again supportive airway patency but in my experience it is also helpful for stimulating deep breathing and cough. Viral replication murders the normal airway cells and thus wreaks havoc on mobilizing mucus and other waste products of cellular damage. This is a breading ground for pneumonia. I would also advise people to acquire incentive spirometers for this reason. Anyone who has had a surgery will know what I'm talking about but it is essentially a hand-held trainer for deep breathing.
Ultimately if we still practiced (obviously we don't) medicine and science in this country we would be devising RCT studies with all the various protocol to strengthen their results and corresponding CIs. However all we get now is "take the vaccine" and "come back if things get worse."
Since most people have no clue what "worse" looks like, it usually means when they bring you back in an ambulance. As @tickerguy has mentioned, chicken noodle soup just isn't going to cut it.
Sadly when visiting with docs in my line of work most say the following for things they either don't understand or don't like, "it isn't going to change my management, so why do it?" And they love to throw this line at lay people as if it provides some sort of consolation or better patient care. To me, it causes the patient or parent to feel dismissed and hopeless.
Finally as mentioned in another post, I believe medicine and health, they are very different things obviously, will become more and more a matter of personal responsibility. Specifically each person should acquaint themselves with various lab work and medications to understand their mechanisms, dosing, and adverse effect profiles.
-Bango Skank was here.
-What is a rebel? A man who says no.
-If you're going to try, go all the way.