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 DELIBERATE Ignorance And Death by 'Health Care'
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-09-21 07:50:06

@Finzer_52 - There are multiple confounding problems in the data that cannot be isolated out, and the states and CDC are doing it on purpose.

1. A person vaccinated, but before the "fully effective" date (<2 weeks after the last jab in the sequence) is counted as "unvaccinated." That's bullshit. If you advocate and indeed FORCE people to be vaccinated during an actual outbreak of a disease once I choose to accept the vaccination then anything that happens to me happens to a vaccinated person. To treat this in any other way is not only dishonest it ought to get everyone involved in doing it fed into a wood chipper. The authorities and medical folks are the ones ADVOCATING FOR and WILLING to jab someone during an outbreak -- therefore ONCE JABBED YOU ARE VACCINATED. If that is UNSAFE (and the evidence is that indeed it is) then that's on the vaccine's status side of the board, NOT THE OTHER SIDE.

2. Without matched-cohort data (e.g. unvaccinated .vs. vaccinated matched for age and especially morbidity status) we have NO GOOD DATA AT ALL. Further, PCR is crap UNLESS you have the Ct number distribution, and nobody (still) is reporting it, even in states that actually mandated it (e.g. Florida) Note that DeFUCKFACESATAN mandated that reporting in Florida yet has NOT revoked a single business license from a single hospital, clinic or lab who has not complied -- ZERO HAVE COMPLIED. You can't unfuck the dataset without the information necessary to unfuck it. We now KNOW, conclusively, that about HALF of the PCR tests are bullshit (fake positives, not FALSE but FAKE) and that there is an intentional skew in NOT counting vaccinated people as actually positive when they are.

What I DO know is this: This county (where I live) has ONE hospital. The death rate for Covid admits has DOUBLED since the jabs started going into arms. This, after we killed a huge number of the easily-killed and, I remind you, there were no lockdowns past April of 2020 in this county so the claim that "oh you were shielded from getting it" is CRAP. The wild escalation in death rate started almost-exactly correlated with the initiation of jabs, and accelerated on a progressive basis. They're CALLING those Covid-19 deaths but how many are actually due to the jabs? Nobody knows, but I don't CARE if I'm one of the dead. All I care about is THAT I'm dead.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."
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