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 DELIBERATE Ignorance And Death by 'Health Care'
Susanlauren 1k posts, incept 2021-05-01
2021-09-20 17:20:41

Peter McCollough, MD frames his fellow physicians as "being in a trance" - either you see what is unfolding before your very eyes or you don't. He thinks they will wake up at some point and realize in horror at what they have done in terms of medical practice.

I see an entire set of dynamics that have gotten us to the point we are at. As I posted earlier, it took massive negative consequences for my nursing colleague in public health to awaken. I would hope it would not take that much pain and adverse outcomes for others.

And yes, twenty months later we have health care professionals who continue to drink the cool aid by the gallons and continue to mindlessly repeat the talking points and official narrative of this COVID outrage. I am simply dumbfounded.

In terms of death toll, I don't think anyone really knows what will happen. If someone dies six months after the vaxx from a heart attack or a stroke, was that death related to the jabb? Or was it just a random and unrelated occurrence? What about an increase in cancer deaths? Auto immune diseases. And so forth. If autopsies aren't being done (and they apparently aren't being done), no one is going to know any different.

So it could be that every single person who has gotten the vaxx is a dead man, woman and child walking. If that is the case then the numbers of deaths will be Biblical, catastrophic, unthinkable.

The folks who find themselves survivors are going to be left with and will inherit one hell of a mess to clean up/ straighten out. None of what we see unfolding will end well for any of us.
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