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 DELIBERATE Ignorance And Death by 'Health Care'
Wayiwalk 1k posts, incept 2016-11-09
2021-09-20 15:51:33

Three or four decades of white collar crime hardly being prosecuted, rich folks hardly going to jail. We're now living in a time of so many folks who shouldn't have "power" in positions of power, doing things that include lots and lots of collateral damage, but they don't care because most of the time these folks get away with it.

Great example about "walking away from a work opportunity" in order to maintain one's integrity. Totally agree. There are those that feel that way, then there are plenty who are total sell outs.

Look at the maniac they were trying to get to head up the ATF, you think he was looking to simply "run that agency"?. Look at Mnunchen, Trumps treasury secretary (find the picture with he and his wife in the black leather gloves). Look at Fraudchi, the guy lied to Congress, then Rand Paul points it out, AND nothing is happening to him. AFTER ALL the lies! And Rand Paul is back on whatever news task show circus ride he goes on. Rand, why not go on a hunger strike until charges are brought against Tony Fraud. General Milli Vanilli, need I say more. All the elite who are maskless despite existing rules that override vax/no-vax. The list is endless.

So idiots run the show, and even if they are idiots, they still have greed that makes them very persistent idiots. Even Bedpan falls under the greed label....or AOC. So I agree with today's post, greed is the thing that gets them all in alignment, and their various degrees of sociopathy, selfishness, power hunger and unhealthy childhoods make them sure of following the path that feeds that greed above all else.

Fauci's reputation should have been destroyed on AZT alone, and he should have been run out of DC long ago. Maybe I'm a fool to think he's ever going to more than take the heat, he's lasted this long, he must be a master of the game....and the worst thing, he hardly stands out from those all around him in Washington.

Last point - Karl, not sure if this rant belongs somewhere else on the site. It started as a few comments on the theme of how the hell they are all getting away with this, and to rebut that it is part of a larger deliberate plan....I don't think it is. That the folks in power don't mind seeing the possible outcome, well then maintaining the course says that if it wasn't a plan then, but will continue if nothing is changed, that sort of is a plan.

I think I need this:


I keep thinking, "it can't get any worse" and then it does!

Let's Go Brandon!
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