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 DELIBERATE Ignorance And Death by 'Health Care'
Fdprefect 95 posts, incept 2021-03-24
2021-09-20 15:12:49

After reading the following, tell me that the Book of Revelation is not amazingly prophetic (and I'm not talking about the "Mark of the Beast" here so read on).

The light of a lamp will shine in [Babylon] no more, and the voice of the bridegroom (Jesus Christ) and the Bride (the believing saints) will be heard in you no more. For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your drugs." -Revelation 18:23

Note: the original Greek for the word at the end of this sentence is "pharmakia" from whence we obviously get the word "pharmaceuticals".

For many years, this passage was interpreted to mean that the "merchants" were peddling illicit drugs (maybe like meth or opioids?) to the population of the world. Prior to that, people misinterpreted the word "pharmakia" as "sorcery" or "magic", which is not at all what the word means but is a somewhat understandable mis-translation in that the idea of drug pushing was not as much of a thing when the New Testament was translated into English. Drugs were used by those practicing the black arts which is why "pharmakia" is often translated "sorcery" in the Bible.

As we're now seeing, this prophesy about wide-spread global control and even death caused by these "merchants" with their pharmaceuticals, is manifesting itself.

Now, before you jump to the wrong conclusion, I'm not at all saying that we are currently in the days the Apostle John was writing about. He was writing about a future day when the great merchants of the earth would use drugs to control the behavior of the global population. And I mean everybody.

What we're seeing now is simply a prelude to the horrific events outlined in the latter chapters of Revelation.

What never ceases to amaze me about Biblical prophesy is that it outlines things that the writer (in this case John) could not have possibly understood or imagined. He was moved to write down the words and I have to think that when he proofed his text, he shook his head and wondered how the entire world could be controlled through the use of drugs. Did he even know what drugs, as we know them today, even were?

As a side note, this reminds me of Isaiah writing about the "sphere of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22). Did a man who lived in the 700s BC have any concept of the earth being round? Probably no more than John understood the nature of pharmaceutical logistics and supply chain. But there it is in black and white.

So where am I going with this?

Revelation predicts a global death toll that makes anything up until that point, pale in comparison. KD has hinted at the kind of destruction that could arise if a country like China were to release a virus that caused everyone who has taken a non-sterilizing jab, to potentially die from ADE or some other viral enhancement.

The death toll could literally be in the billions.

Could these current jabs be the predicted "pharmakia" described in chapter 18? I don't think so for a variety of reasons but one thing is for sure, the drug merchants are running a much larger trial than we think. They are learning a great deal about societal control and when the time is ripe, I think we'll see something much more malevolent rolled out than what we're seeing today. The deception will be overwhelming.

It's a tough galaxy. If you want to survive, you've gotta know where your towel is.
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