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 DELIBERATE Ignorance And Death by 'Health Care'
Gonewest 5k posts, incept 2015-02-26
2021-09-20 14:53:10

The best thing that can be said of these Medical Professionals is that many seem honestly ignorant to the harm they are actually causing. That puts their crime in the Manslaughter category rather than Murder.
Honestly ignorant would be a viable claim in March, April, May, and maybe June of 2020.

Now, 18 months later, ignorance is no longer a defense of ones actions or inactions. If as Karl points out in Sevier County, over 50% of people die from the treatment anyone with a scintilla of morals would be questioning the protocols they are using to treat patients.

Murder with depraved-indifference is more like it.
My daughter is an ER doc and suffers some hospital group think but I keep planting seeds. Though they are unable to help people with an early COVID diagnosis, they do help a lot of non COVID people everyday, so quitting or getting fired helps nobody.
So it's OK if they kill the COVID patients because they are helping other people? Rationalize much? How long until government dictates how they treat, let's say, heart patients and they begin dying? This is a very, very slippery slope to go down. The CDC, NIH, and FDA would be powerless in the face of a mass strike by healthcare professionals.

If all the doctors at a hospital walked off the job because they were forced to provide treatments that didn't work and were killing the patients, do you think something wouldn't change at that hospital? Do you believe that there are a hospital full of unemployed doctors waiting on the sidelines to take their place? Or, as someone pointed out above, does the $500K+ in debt have something to do with it?

Talked with my elderly parents yesterday. Told me they were getting their flu shots this week. Both were vaxxed against my warnings. Anytime they tell me some medical thing they are doing, I hold my breath because I know they've been compromised by gene-therapy posing as a vaccine.

Tell me we are not at war with our own government and their sycophants.

Socialism is and will always be theft from future generations.
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