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 DELIBERATE Ignorance And Death by 'Health Care'
Mikeyinfl 177 posts, incept 2021-08-02
2021-09-20 14:15:43

First of all, it breaks my heart to hear those who have lost loved ones that shouldn't have due to these negligent treatments.

I wanted to also point out that along with the bogus treatment plans, it look like the CDC allows hospitals to classify vaxed deaths as unvaxed. We've seen this pop up before, but it sure helps fuel the narrative/fear propaganda they are pushing.


I finished reading the draft pdf of Dr. Breggin's book We are the Prey. He gave a copy of the pdf out with purchases prior to 9/1 and the book is due out very shortly. The doctor does a very good job tying together a lot of conspiracy theory into conspiracy fact with ~ 1000 citations along with his extensive background in fighting big pharma. I'm not plugging to help his sales, but it ties a lot of what KD has been posting here together. I don't expect people like my in laws to read it as they've bought into the jab hook, line, and sinker, but it's at least more ammo for people who are having difficulty understanding what's going on in order to fight this awful crime.

Lastly, did anyone see the NN story in July about the high miscarriage rate in 1st/2nd trimesters? I missed it, but it was linked in an AM Thinker article this morning. I just don't believe that incompetence explains all of what is going on and deliberate/misleading study results/interpretations show the malice that some have in order to further the narrative which is killing and will kill a lot of people.

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