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 DELIBERATE Ignorance And Death by 'Health Care'
Disgusted 616 posts, incept 2021-07-20
2021-09-20 12:22:43

People like me don't call Fraudci, Mental Midget Mengele for nothing. He is the poster child for corruption and criminal incompetence. I couldn't help but watch the propagandists on CBS this morning, and all I can say is if what I saw this morning is any indication of how insane these people are, the maniacs aren't going to stop UNTIL THERE IS MASS DEATH. They are riding this death cult train to the bitter end. People better get used to the idea that undeniable catastrophic failure is the only thing that will wake up the morons and useful idiots, and open the door to actual truth. The push to vaxx young children is the final nail in the coffin to go to the end of the tracks. The last decent firebreak that existed. If the vexx does actually enhance the virus (which is looking more and more likely), it's game over. I can only hope there will be a reckoning with mass arrests for what they've done. One thing is for sure, hardly any one will trust the medical system again. Hell, life as we knew it will never be the same. I just cancelled 2 appointments with doctors including my annual physical, because there is no point listening to that PCP idiot cry the whole time about me not being vexxed. I'll stay away from every medical monster I can at this point.

It would be interesting to set up a poll to see what the people that comment here think, "what the hell is going on here". What's your opinion?, is it just pure greed, or a planned depopulation event, or a combination of both.
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