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 There's An Off Ramp - But It Has A Price
Troymt 37 posts, incept 2021-08-15
2021-08-31 08:59:23

Thank-you for this information.
I sincerely hope that the exit you talk about turns out to be as presented. All of my immediate family got the vax except for my wife and I. I hate to think that the ADE and OAS potential they are currently exposed to is a permanent condition. Hopefully it wanes, otherwise we truly are in deep **** as a country as a result of what is coming.

(Of course we ARE already screwed as a nation due the last 100 plus years of criminal congressional conduct. But that is off topic)

I personally believe that the people running this Coof ****show have NO INTENTION of actually following the science. So I expect the jab to become mandatory soon, and civil war 2.0 to commence shortly thereafter. I know for a fact that no one is going to put the needle in me without first having won the fight that will precede such an event.
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