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 Well, Duh. This Is Why It Was Stupid
Pseudofed 23 posts, incept 2021-07-22
2021-08-04 15:18:01

This is from a CDC report on vaccine safety in adolescents[/URL].

During December 14, 2020July 16, 2021, v-safe enrolled 66,350 adolescents aged 1617 years who received Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (Table 3). After Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was authorized for adolescents aged 1215 years (beginning May 10, 2021), v-safe enrolled 62,709 adolescents in this age group. During the week after receipt of dose 1, local (63.9%) and systemic (48.9%) reactions were commonly reported by adolescents aged 1215 years; systemic reactions were more common after dose 2 (63.4%) than dose 1 (48.9%). Reporting trends were similar for adolescents aged 1617 years: systemic reactions were reported among 55.7% after dose 1 and 69.9% after dose 2. For each dose and age group, reactions were reported most frequently the day after vaccination. The most frequently reported reactions for both age groups after either dose were injection site pain, fatigue, headache, and myalgia.

During the week after receipt of dose 2, approximately one third of adolescents in both age groups reported fever. Nearly one quarter of adolescents in both age groups reported they were unable to perform normal daily activities the day after dose 2. Fewer than 1% of adolescents aged 1217 years required medical care in the week after receipt of either dose; 56 adolescents (0.04%) were hospitalized.

So to review... (1) 25 percent of kids were sufficiently injured as to be unable to perform normal activities for at least one day, (2) 1 percent needed acute medical attention, and (3) and on the order of 1/2 in 1000 were hospitalized.

That is from v-safe. I don't know if enrollment in that was random but it does not say otherwise. They also share VAERS data, according to which adverse event reports were received for about 1 in 1000 patients vaccinated, and severe event reports for about 1 in 10,000. So if "serious" in VAERS matches up with "hospitalized" in v-safe, then the underreporting rate is about 5x. If "serious" in VAERS matches up with "required medical care in the week after either dose" v-safe, the underreporting rate is closer to 100x. *And probably even more so* if the v-safe data was to include such reports within a longer-term radius. Underreporting on the order of 5 to 100 times is of course suggested by various other sources as well. Granted, among the relatively serious conditions, I would expect underreporting is less prevalent and maybe not a major factor in severe or fatal cases.

The grossly overestimated figure for COVID hospitalizations among those under 18 is about 48,000 between April and August 2020. This is certainly an extreme exaggeration, but let us say based on this the number of kids that require medical attention because of COVID going forward will be 500,000 -- or about 1 in 150.

That is -- by their own published numbers -- less injurious than the vaccine, based on numbers that do not look for or include longer-term damage from the vaccine, based on numbers that liberally exaggerate the likely medical burden for the given age group.

Under more realistic estimates the vaccine is about 10-25 times as injurious to kids as the uncertain risk of the virus, with a free option on being much more damaging still as regards long-term injuries. And even more so to healthy kids given that almost all of the mortality among kids is among kids with pre-existing conditions.
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