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 Well, Duh. This Is Why It Was Stupid
Wileycoyote40 48 posts, incept 2018-05-05
2021-08-03 22:13:06

The Biden admin was out cheering (or creating FOMO) today that 70% of adults are either fully vaccinated or have had one shot (The CDC announced late Monday that 180,762,301 people, or 70 percent of American adults, had received at least one dose, while 164,919,666 people, or 49.7 percent of the population, were fully vaccinated against COVID-19).

Now couple this with 35.1M people (probably not all adults, perhaps a majority) who have had a positive test for Covid (source: CDC Stats), and we have to be pushing upwards of 80% vaccinated adults (assuming 2 facts 1. That some people who were Covid positive still chose to get vaxxed and 2. some did not so they do not show up in the vaxxed column).

Additionally, I am not even counting the estimate that for every positive case, there were several unreported/undetected. (1 in 4.2 (95% UI* 3.6 4.9) COVID19 infections were reported, source CDC.) So that 35.1M could actually be another 140M people according to the CDCs own estimate. If I use the CDC estimate, that is (35.1 reported cases * 4.2 and I get 140M. Add in the vaccinated with at least 1 shot 180M which then equals about 320M with either a full vaxx, 1 shot, or natural immunity . Surely we have reached herd immunity if we say the US has roughly 330M people. 320M/330M and that is 96% of the population.

So (rhetorically) why the incessant push for a mandate on the 10M not vaxxed or with natural immunity?
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