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 Well-Deserved Consequences
Frat 15k posts, incept 2009-07-15
2021-07-11 20:41:30

Bluebird wrote..
I paid the homeowners renewal premium last month. I reread it and our policy did not have that clause for "Communicable Disease Exclusion TAA 530".

Not necessarily evil; it could be just covering their own asses. I did some quick Google-Fu and it seems like this started happening late last year on some policies. My first impression was that the insurance companies are trying to cover themselves in case people start getting all sue-happy because "z0mg I caught teh covids at a party at the Smith's house!"

I could be wrong and often am, however.

We're fucked. There will be no happy ending here; there is no going back to 'normal.'. There are only bad outcomes and worse outcomes. And we don't get to choose those, either.
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