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 TRUTH About PERSONAL Covid Mitigations
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28
2021-05-20 17:57:21

I think it is obvious that the push against HCQ wasn't about Trump. They wanted to deny a solution to the problem.

Besides tetanus, I haven't taken a vaccine, for anything since grade school. I'm probably entering the risky part of my life, but something is going to kill me. It isn't going to be bad medicine, if I can help it. There were too many doctors who put their asses on the line, in face of the NAZI regulators, to not believe there are safe alternatives. Much of modern medicine is hocus pocus. Sanitation, safe food and not having to swing a sledge hammer or plow a field with a mule all day are as much responsible for life expectancy as their nonsense. Imagine you are in Flint every day of your life.

As far as I know, none of my family are taking the shots. One sister had CV19 around Christmas. She said it was rough, but she was always a wimp, when getting sick. She had a real doctor, who got her HCQ and Ivermectin. Her old man had bypass last year, after 2 heart attacks and is type 2. He made it through okay. Same remedy. Besides my natural resistance, I have not feared this stuff, other than taking my temperature when my throat was scratchy. I live around a lot of things I have allergies.

We can only hope the stuff comes out okay, but I have my doubts. I know of nothing they have continued to push, largely on people who stand to benefit very little on something with such a poor safety record. They will throw you in jail for being half a drink over the limit or write you a ticket for no seat belt, but I have my suspicions these shots will kill more people than autos this year. They want to ban guns, but the stabs have already passed guns this year as a cause of death, officially. The unofficial total is likely a sizable multiple.

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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