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 Science Catches Up -- And Burns You All
Edwardteach 421 posts, incept 2021-05-01
2021-05-01 19:31:52

Wow! Came for the article...stayed for the comments.
(this article was linked to on another page I frequent)

It pretty much distills much of what I have long suspected to be true about this virus in one fairly concise summary.
I was also struck by the Diamond Princess and what it meant in terms of susceptibility to this virus on the general population, and I didn't know why at the time, but afterward I believed that for about 80% of the population at large, it was going to be a non-event.
I believe this was also supported by the incident with the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt. Remember that one? Have you even been aboard an aircraft carrier? They're huge (understatement), but the crew accommodations could be described as "snug", as most of the space below decks is taken up by machinery and aircraft hanger space. Anyway here we had a crew that in this instance consisted mostly of young men living in close quarters and once again, the number who became sick was only about 20% of the total ship's company.
So I took both of those and came up with a rough estimate of 19-20% susceptibility to this virus.
Now I know why.
I also had the same view respecting the physics of mask wearing. I spend a fair bit of time observing the early mask wearers last spring and I could tell that they didn't have a clue. That goes for "social distancing" too. Anyone with even a modest understanding of physics would understand that both of these measures were useless.
BTW I'm right now recovering from a respiratory bug that I developed symptoms for about 3 weeks ago. Is it the Dread Covid? I don't know. No I didn't bother to go and get tested, but it was somewhat different from the regular colds I get. Just a slight tight feeling in my upper chest and a very mild dry cough. No real sinus congestion. I juse upped my zinc and vitamin D intake and the seems to have helped.

Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin command here.
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