17k posts, incept 2007-07-26
2021-04-28 12:12:00
two long-term members here who've had Coof twice, and the second time was worse than the first.
That would be indicative of ADE, kind of like Dengue Fever. It happens when you get a mild infection with one serotype, then soon after you get infected by a different variant. This probably increases the need to develop strong nucleocapsid T-cell immunity, and is also another major strike against vaccinating for spike since if we get a new nasty variant those who were vaxed will get horse****ed because they have no T-cell nucleocapsid immnunity to AND have the wrong antibodies! This really would be China's wet dream. They could release a new genetically engineered variant designed explicitly to trigger ADE in vaccinated.
Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything. - Joseph Stalin