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 Damning Data Hands Up An Indictment
Sloonie 2k posts, incept 2008-04-16
2021-04-22 05:12:00

posted in one of the bar threads, but here as well:

Can vaccinated people make the unvaccinated sick? Watch Dr Palevsky explain

"And so, spike protein in the naturally occurring SARS CoV2 viral infection has been shown to cause brain inflammation and neurological damage, heart attacks, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, and interacting with the male and female reproductive systems, along with affecting blood binding to oxygen and blood clotting.

And so, we know that the natural disease of SARS CoV2, because of the effects of the spike protein, is making people sick with all of these kinds of systemic illnesses. And so now we're taking that spike protein genetic instructions, and we're asking our bodies to make more of that spike protein. And so by making more of that spike protein, we are essentially creating the symptoms and the illness of COVID-19 by giving people the potential to have brain damage and neurological damage, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, heart attacks, strokes, blood clotting issues, and impairments to male and female reproductive systems."

and Damn, it MAY very well be that we need to remove ourselves from the vaxxed, not just mentally, but physically as well. Damn.

"And now what we're seeing is women who are around others who've been injected, are having the same experience, which has to raise the suspicion that not only does that messenger RNA make the body produce spike protein on an ongoing basis, but that spike protein is probably shedding out of the breath, the saliva, the skin, and who knows where else in the body its being shed from.

Just a last point before you ask me the next question: Thats only based on what we think we know is in these injections. But Dr. Tenpenny and I have discussed this on numerous occasions, that there is potential for other messenger RNA proteins being injected into the body that would cause the body to make all sorts of proteins that we may not be aware of.

"If might is right, then love has no place in the world. It may be so, it may be so. But I don't have the strength to live in a world like that..."-Father Gabriel, 'The Mission'

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